Bernard RINGUEISSEN (pianist):French
concert performer, he studied with Marguerite Long and
Jacques Fevrier at the National Superior Conservatory of
Paris where he got his first prize of piano at the age of
sixteen. Prize Frederic Chopin in Warsaw, Prize
Long-Thibault in Paris, Prize Villa-Lobos, Prix of
Geneva, he started an international career of worldwide
soloist, with leading international orchestras, such as
Orchestre de Paris, Gewand-hausorchester Leipzig, Berlin
Symphonikern, Warsaw Philharmonic... He gives
masters-class as guest professor at Mozarteum in
Salzbourg and at the summer international academy of
music of Weimar and he's member of the jury of several
international competition such as the Schumann
competitions in Zwickau, Brahms competition in Hambourg,
Chopin competition in Warsaw... his recordings includes
works by Saint-Seans, Poulenc, Stravinsky, Chausson,
Alkan... |